The Mikuska Group  

Busy-ness vs. effectiveness

People are wearing “Busy” these days like a badge of honour.

“Are you busy?” “I’m so busy!” “We’re so busy we couldn’t possibly take on any more ______ (fill in the blank)!”

I say “Full stop!” It’s time to examine just what your priorities are and what you’re spending time doing that’s making you so Busy. I’m challenging you to become Effective instead of Busy so you can free up time for your priorities.

A good example in the non profit world is organizations that are too busy to connect with their donors. We hear that all the time. And it’s complete balderdash. What could be more important than engaging your donors in the work you do?

But, you may argue, we’re too busy organizing our gala/golf tournament/walk-a-thon! We connect with our donors at these events! That’s all well and good, but do you realize that it would be more effective to engage your major gift donors one-to-one?

It takes a lot of staff and volunteer time to sell those tickets/get those pledges – something that’s not usually factored into the net proceeds of an event. I’m not saying events are inherently evil, just that you have to decide what is the most effective way of fundraising, given limited time and resources.

Take some time out of your Busy schedule and create an Effective schedule that meets your needs. Then you can stop and smell those roses you’ve been too busy to notice.

Laura Mikuska


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