The Mikuska Group  


Today I attended the swearing-in ceremony for a dear friend who, after living many years in Canada, decided to become a Canadian citizen. It was a moving ceremony, with 79 others who chose Canada as their home from 22 different countries.

The presiding judge made his remarks before the swearing-in began, and in them, he encouraged these new Canadians to fully embrace their citizenship and participate as much as possible in Canadian society. He urged them to become part of their community by giving – their time, their wisdom and if possible, their money. At the very least, he encouraged them to help their neighbours.

As I listened, I thought how all of us should attend a citizenship ceremony at least once and feel the joy new Canadians have about their country. We should also heed the judge’s advice to give to our community. Our fellow citizens can use our help, and we will all be richer for it.

Who will you help this week? this month? this year?

Laura Mikuska



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