The Mikuska Group  

Just start

This is the time of year when many people make grand personal resolutions. Many fail to meet their goals because they are too lofty, and it’s easy to say, “I’ll never get there, so there’s no sense in trying.”

I believe it’s about just getting started, personally and professionally. If you want to lose weight, start by cleaning out your fridge, freezer and cupboards of the unhealthy foods. It’s not about drastic diets, it’s about eating healthy food in the right quantities. The same goes for exercise. Just start. Go for a walk. Then go for a longer walk. Or go dancing or skating or whatever you enjoy.

In your work day, start with a phone call to a donor. Say hi, say thanks, and ask how they’re doing. Don’t ask for money. You’ll make them feel good and engaged, and you’ll be reminded how important donors are to your organization and how important the work you do is. Then, instead of making a “to do” list, just start on your priorities. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you get through them.

Just start.

Julie Mikuska


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