The Mikuska Group  

Making a difference

Julie Mikuska (centre) with six other medal-bearers in Ste. Anne, MB on Jan. 17/12.

I recently had the privilege of being a medal-bearer in the Rick Hansen Relay, through the pretty town of Ste. Anne, MB. This historic event, branded as “many in motion”, will see 7,000 Canadians carry a special medal from coast to coast to mark the 25th anniversary of the Man in Motion Tour. The relay celebrates “difference makers” – those who contribute to the betterment of their communities in many ways – in classrooms, as volunteers, as researchers and public servants, in families and communities.

I found the experience uplifting. I met some really cool people doing cool things in their communities. The energy and enthusiasm of the organizers and staff of the relay was infectious. And it was truly inspiring to meet the man himself, Rick Hansen. In person he is as gracious as you see him on stage. He is determined that while paying tribute to his original tour and the advances his foundation has brought about and encouraged over the past 25 years, he keeps looking forward. “I believe our best work is ahead of us,” he said when he spoke to medal-bearers and their supporters at the Forks on January 20th.

It was a great way to start the year. I will continue to be inspired by Rick and his vision to create a world that is accessible and inclusive to all, and I hope you will, too.

Julie Mikuska


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