The Mikuska Group  

The power of celebrating philanthropy

AFP Manitoba recently held its annual celebration of philanthropy at the National Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon, attended by over 300 community members, fundraisers, donors and honourees. The stories told by the award nominators and their respective recipients were touching and emotional. But most of all, they were powerful examples of how gifts of time and funds can change things for the better.

Mark Evans, the Outstanding Philanthropist Award recipient, told the story of his own cancer treatments at CancerCare Manitoba. Then he invited three young boys to share the stage, and related how each of them struggled with childhood leukaemia. He moved everyone to tears when he said that 20 years ago, they would not have been standing with him, as the success rate for treatment was very low. Donations to cancer research have resulted in new treatments and a 90% success rate today.

This story moved one audience member to action. She went home that Friday evening, hugged her boys of the same age more than usual, and on Monday called CancerCare Manitoba Foundation and became a monthly donor.

That is the power of celebrating philanthropy.

Laura Mikuska


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